We’re Back...For Good!!

Hi babes!! We’re back and this time we decided for GOOD! We have made some changes around here on the blog, and planned out some things that are going to help us stay on track for 2019. Before we get going into our normal blog posts we wanted to post a little update on us, and some fun facts about us for those of you that are new around here.

Kenn, has been very busy working with the University of Texas Athletics social media team, taking pictures at all the football games and other athletic events. Kenn, also got a full time job offer with E&J Gallo, and will be participating in their leadership development program. After graduation, she will be off to San Antonio!

Rach has had a less busy semester, but has enjoyed spending time in Austin before she is back to Houston after graduation. Rach also got a full time job offer in the banking industry and will be starting off her career as a financial analyst! Yes, we will be in different cities… aka lots of trips to visit each other and posts from all over Texas.

Both of us have lots of exciting things planned for the New Year and Christmas Break with upcoming trips with our families and boyfriends! We can’t wait to share more with yall soon.

Some fun facts about us:

  1. We share the same birthday (feb. 24!!) and were born in the same hospital
  2. We met at freshman year orientation, where our friendship started over our love for colored pens
  3. We live together!
  4. We are both University of Texas Delta Gammas
  5. Our favorite vacation together was to the Cayman Islands
  6. We share a LOVE for prosecco…(**Where the blog name came from**)
  7. We love working out and tasting new healthy recipes, aka more blog posts to come on this!
  8. Regardless of fun fact number 7 our favorite food is chocolate and popcorn
  9. Our favorite TV show is Riverdale
  10. You’ll never see us make it through a morning without a cup of coffee and a protein bar

Kenn & Rach


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