New Years Resolutions

One week into the new year and great things are already happening! A little update on our lives… winter break ends in one week! We have been staying pretty busy over the break but have found some nice relaxing time to read and catch up with friends! Kenn has been killing the work game and making that ~money~ and Rach is in Jackson Hole skiing with her family.

We wanted to talk to y’all a little bit about our new year's resolutions. We both have a couple and feel that writing them down is the best way to keep us accountable and make sure we fulfill them throughout the year. Rach wants to go to a workout class (whether that be yoga, cycling, or pure barre) at least once every two weeks....of course this will turn into Kenn going too because when do we ever do anything separate? Also, she wants to drink more water everyday. This will be a challenge, but with turning 21 in couple weeks hydration will be key! Kenn’s main goal is to be more financially responsible, we will be turning 21 this year which means we are getting older and ~adult~ like is creeping around the corner, therefore she wants to begin practicing good habits now! The second resolution is to take 5 minutes a day to b r e a t h. Both of will be having crazy semesters with birthdays, school, boys, and baseball (Kenn’s favorite szn of the year)! It is imperative to take this short time breath, re-energize, smile, and keep pushing through.

We also have some resolutions for the blog! Since this will be the first year for us blogging we hope to inspire others through different lifestyle tips, fashion ideas, and just an outlet for someone to relate to. We get it! Being 20 and feeling overwhelmed can happen very easily, but we hope to use the blog as an outlet for us to share our experiences with others while providing some help along the way. If you have any ideas or topics you would like us to talk about this year leave a comment below!

Cheers, Kenn and Rach


  1. 21 is an important year! Not only you're legal but yes more responsibilities are coming your way but don't worry! It's going to be a new adventure. I'm also targeting to work out more often so good luck to both of us! Have a great year ahead to both of youu, keep inspiring!


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