Delta Gamma

Sororities in college can get a bad wrap. There are the negative stereotypes, unwanted cliques, and the seemingly constant pressure to be and act like a “sorority girl.” Heading into our freshman year of college, both of us had heard these endless comments/rumors and it undoubtedly puts that thought into your head of “should I go through recruitment?”

Well we are here to tell you the answer is YES. Delta Gamma has provided endless support, a life long group of friends, and most importantly a home away from home. A sorority is so much more than what you hear about. There are girls in our chapter who have traveled the world, biked to Alaska for cancer research, participated in countless mission trips, are active in student government, leaders across the UT campus, and so much more. Our chapter of Delta Gamma is special. The girls are diverse and constantly challenge us to be better in all aspects of our life.

We understand  a sorority may not be for everyone, and if it’s not for you that’s 100% ok, but don’t let what some people say about sororities or their false reputation turn you away! So many of our favorite memories from college have stemmed from this incredible organization of young women. Yes we have to admit, sometimes the once a month formal chapter meeting can be a tad lengthy but we wouldn’t trade it for anything.

One of our favorite memories from Delta Gamma is big/little reveal. Rachel joined the chapter freshman year and Kennedi sophomore year, so we were lucky enough to end up becoming eachothers big and little! This is just one of the many things that has brought us closer together, and we were probably a little too excited to not just be best friends but ~sisters~ too. There are countless memories from date events, to service, to desserts with DG, to anchor splash and slam (which s/o to Kenn she planned the entirety of this year) which have all made our college experience what it is!

Not only is DG a great social activity, but the philanthropy work behind the organization is truly remarkable. DG’s national philanthropy is Service for Sight, but our chapter is located extremely close to Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. We are blessed to be able to work with the students from this school. Last week, we had a talent show for the some of the students at the Delta Gamma house. About 10 of the students sang and we were seriously blown away! Every time we are with the students from the school we are touched by their love for life and the passion and fearlessness they have for everything they do.

We could go on and on about DG and the endless love we have for this chapter! We hope that if you are entering college you find your home whether that be at DG or another amazing chapter, and if you are already in college we hope you can relate to this and agree that being in a sorority is truly life changing and worthwhile!

Cheers, Kenn and Rach


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