Roaring Twenties
Ah the freedom.
Eat what you want. Wear what you want. Do what you want. Act how you want. Be what you want.
We’re sixteen and yelling at our mothers from the opposing side of the stairs and we dream about these years. As the sand falls through the glass and the pages of life turn we eventually find ourselves in the whirlwind of these once dreams that are now realities.
Don’t get us wrong we’ve met each other, our bridesmaids, and friends for life. We’ve had fun, sometimes way too much fun, tried new food and new things. We’ve stretched our limitations through local adventures and traveling the world. Similar to many at this age we’ve discovered who we are as individuals. But with all that under our belt, these years of uncertainty, hope, and thrill can be quivering to type A girl’s like us or any young twenty year old facing the momentous decisions in this imperative decade.
Pressure. There's so many choices in front of us with twists and turns in every direction one looks, accompanied by equalizing pressures to make the right decision and say and do the proper things. We’re twenty years old but we’re tasked with beginning our futures and deemed with life altering decision at every turn.
Where do I live, what do I wear, who do I intern for, what does he think, why do I care. We spend hours studying, preparing for the real world and equivalent amount of time analyzing the ribbon that just appeared on our home screen. While juggling our future and sketching five year plans, our generation can barely commit to Tuesday night dinner with each weekend bringing a new or even old surprise.
But with these choices comes power, the power to be unapologetically you. The power to thrive in any situation you choose. The power to learn from uncertainty. The power to embrace change. The power to wake up everyday and choose to be happy. The power to fake it till you make it. The power to know you’re worth it. The power to wake up one day 3,650 days from now and look back on these uncertainties we have all once held and smile.
Cheers, Kenn and Rach
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